
All you need to know about skill gaps now!

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All you need to know about skill gaps now!

Your guidebook to skill gaps and how you can overcome them.

Organizations tend to focus on hard/tangible skills gaps while hiring. However, they fail to address the root skills that are often intangible. The result is that the hires lack adequate soft skills. Make no mistake! One can quantify Hard skills but not Soft skills. However, the lack of soft skills can result in a negative impact on business productivity. In the era of technology, having employees with a mix of both is indispensable to the organization. 

Soft skills or intangible skills are every skill that is not technical or measured. Leadership, communication, and social skills are a few examples. Universities focus on honing hard skills, but that is not enough. Honing personality-dependent Soft skills is important too.

What Is a Skill Gap?

The skill gap is the difference between the skills companies expect their employees to have and the actual skill set that the potential employees possess. Identifying the skill gap helps companies hire the right people, and their aspiring employees learn the right skills. 

The Importance of a Skill Gap

skill gap is a threat and an opportunity. When identified and addressed immediately, skill gaps help to provide the opportunity to improve oneself and make them more suited for the job. A skill gap is integral to an organization because it is a significant part of helping the individual become better and shape their personality during employment. Persisting skill gaps hamper business productivity. A spectrum of skill gaps spells doom for the business. 

How to Overcome the Skill Gap? 

While you may have sufficient hard skills, overcoming the skill gap and acquiring some soft skills is necessary. Here are the ways to do that:

Be Receptive to Feedback

When you're in a working environment, you should be open to feedback on your soft and hard skills. Your coworkers, managers, and supervisors will likely provide you with feedback about time management, communication, teamwork, and more. Soaking in and improving upon constructive criticism is your ticket to growth.

Obtain an Externship

Externships help you overcome the skill gap in a short time. Externships last a few weeks, while internships last a few months. Externships depend on your observation to gain the right skills. An externship is usually unpaid and helps you understand what the particular job is like. Additionally, individuals can also find the right mentor who will help them develop soft skills such as communication, leadership, and more. 

Participate In A Bootcamp

Bootcamp is one of the best places to develop your soft skills. Employers are in search of coders who can collaborate and be productive. Participating in a Bootcamp fosters these skills. You learn discipline and determination and enhance your strategic problem-solving skills while collaborating. University Bootcamps follow a design that ensures that the students can work collaboratively on projects before graduation. Coding is one of the most popular soft skills today. It is necessary to develop these skills to overcome the skill gap to get a job. All you need are mentors who will propel you to your dream job and Cogent University is here to help! With over eleven years of experience and success in training and placing 700+ candidates in 60 cohorts, Cogent University is a boot camp-to-job-placement programmee specialized in Java Development, Data Analytics, and Cybersecurity. Our team of soft skills experts ensures that you are job-ready. 

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Real-World Journeys

Learn about what we do, who our clients are, and how we create future-ready businesses.
Bridging The In-Demand Skill Gap With Hard And Soft Skills
Skill Gap: Bridging the Divide for Success

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