Interviews can be stressful. It's the time you voluntarily appear to be judged, and being aware of this can make you feel less confident. We all want to show our worth, we want to be tested and accepted, but we're scared of falling short or being viewed as incompetent. Because of this, we are always at risk of becoming a hindrance. Feeling scared about the interview going wrong can hamper your performance in the actual interview.
But it's just not about you; it can be stressful for the interviewer party, too. Here's why:
So, we're looking for you if you're the best person for the job. But, how will we find out?
Well, every company looks at three key elements when deciding whether to hire you:
The first of the three factors has earned you an interview call. In terms of the third point, nothing can be changed suddenly. All you can work on now is the interview.
No matter how many times you face job interviews, they will always be nerve-racking. You dress up, print out your resume, and tell yourself to relax, and just when you think everything is going swimmingly, the interviewer throws a curveball you didn’t expect. So, all you can do now is concentrate on these three points:
It takes a lot more than looking up a list of frequent interview questions to prepare for an interview. Spend a few hours researching as much as you can about the firm from as many sources as possible. Get a feel of the company's personality and how to project it throughout your interview. You must create a superb first impression in terms of appearance. Keep in mind, no wrinkled suits here. Then, have a thorough understanding of your target firm and its product, and, of course, know how to explain why you are the ideal candidate for the position.
Here's an intriguing tidbit for you. Did you know that you may answer any of the questions by telling a story? You are a complicated being with a complex intellect. When asked, "What is your greatest strength?," you must be able to think of at least 1000 ways in which you have demonstrated it. What about your long-term objectives? Choose tales that incorporate different aspects of yourself! Also, describe your character.
If you won a championship race and wish to recount your tale, do so!
"What is your biggest asset?" - you can say “Competitiveness” - Similar to the race I was in.”
"What's your ultimate goal for the next five years time?" - “To hone my technique - As I did the time I used to be a professional athlete.”
"Do you do well working in groups?" - “Absolutely, just look at the success of my track team - we are people who compete but also work together.”
Read these stories aloud when you're sleeping or taking a walk in the morning or taking your brush (okay, perhaps put it off until you're finished), or at the gym, etc. Make them a part of your memory.
During an interview, it is critical to be personable. But, how are you going to do it?
Interview preparation, resume development, and other soft skills are things that boot camps like Cogent university can help you with. Find people who can assist you in your preparation.