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As we become increasingly dependent on technology, the demand for new tech skills is also increasing drastically. This opportunity is incredible for those already in the workforce or those looking to establish their career in the tech world. Along with good pay, a tech job offers many other perks, including bonuses, good work-life balance, and paid time off. Not only this, but many companies also provide employees with an educational allowance.

Such perks encourage the workers to improve their performance, enabling them to undertake new and challenging projects.

With so many perks and rising demand, the future for tech looks bright. There are presently 26.9 million developers worldwide, according to the Global Developer Population and Demographic Study by Evans Data Corporation. This number can grow to 28.7 million in the year 2024. With constant innovation, new technologies are coming up regularly. These technologies can make the world a better place. Be it blockchain or AI, the demand for people with tech skills is constantly rising.

In contrast, some technologies have existed for years, yet their demand has only surged over time. Java Development is one such area. Designed by James Gosling in 1995, Java Language has seen massive demand over the years. This class-based, object-oriented programming language is used by millions of tech workers across the globe. Nevertheless, the growth of those with a good understanding of the language has only skyrocketed in the past decades.

It is vital to understand the growth trajectory of different software development fields to understand their future better.

Software Developers by Technology

Java Developers

According to Developer Economics, software developers who use Java reached 8 million globally by the third quarter of 2020. There has been a considerable jump in these numbers, as there are more than 9 million Java developers globally, with 174K alone in the USA. When Java became open source in 2007, 6 million users started using it.

JavaScript Developers

According to SlashData, 10.7 million software developers were using JavaScript in 2018. In contrast, According to Developers, the number rose to almost 12.4 million in the third quarter of 2020. This sudden growth indicates that 53% of developers across the globe have used JavaScript. Thus, it would not be wrong to say that JavaScript is one of the most common programming languages in the world.

PHP Developers

There were 5 million PHP Developers in 2013 and almost 5.5 million in 2018. As per The Register, the number became 6.1 million a year later in 2019.

.NET Developers

Some studies published in 2006 reported the number of .NET developers during that period was 6 million. Today, most .NET developers use C#. As per some sources, almost 7-8 million developers are working with .NET today.

Mobile App Developers

The size of the Global mobile applications market was estimated to be worth $106.27 billion in 2018. It is expected to reach $407.31 billion by the year 2026. As per this, it will grow at a CAGR of 18.4% from 2019 to 2026. These numbers clearly show that there will be a tremendous demand for mobile app developers in the years to come. As per EvansData, there are 2.8 million iOS developers and 5.9 million Android developers worldwide. By 2025, his number is expected to rise to 43 million.

Python Developers

As per SlashData, in 2018, there were almost 7 million Python Developers. Yet, in the current market scenario, there are more than 8 million python developers, outnumbering the population of Java developers.

C++ Developers

Back in 2015, there were 4.4 million C++ software developers worldwide. It has increased to 5.4 million now.

Having a good understanding of the demographics of Java Developers can be quite beneficial. This knowledge will help people not only understand the market better but also equip them with statistics that can change the course of their careers.

As Java is used widely across big corporations, the job responsibilities of a Java Developer may vary from time to time. A Java Developer may work on a specific application at a single time or a bunch of them, per the roles and requirements. A closer look at the US Statistics and Demographics For Java Developers will set readers on track.

Statistics for Java Developers Based on Gender

As per the research, out of over 170,000 Java Developers in the United States, 72.6% are male, and 27.4% are female.

This trend of more males in tech jobs and lesser females exists across the tech industry.

In 2010, 67.61% of Java Developers in the workforce were men and 32.39%women. As of 2019, the figures have changed to 68.88% and 31.12%, respectively.

Throughout the 2010-2019 period, the figures have not fluctuated much.

When we look closer at the male-to-female ratio, it can be observed that software application architects have the most identifiable difference between the genders.

Java Developer Statistics by Race

At 64.8%, Whites are the most common ethnicity to take on Java Developer roles. They are followed closely by Asians, who make up 15.3% of the total share of Java Developers, while the percentage of Hispanics or Latinos stands at 11.1%.  

The data of the Census Bureau throws light on the race and ethnicity of Java Developers between 2010 and 2019 can be understood. Over this specific period, the number of white people working as Java developers decreased from 71.58% to 64.80%. On the other hand, the percentage of Hispanics working as Java Developers increased from 6.84% to 11.06%. In addition, a significant shift was noticed among Asians (13.63% to 15.30%) and African Americans (4.43% to 5.83%).

The data further highlights the considerable wage gap between the ethnicities. Asian Java Developers received the highest salary, above $93,000, compared to other nationalities. On the flip side, Latino or Hispanic Java Developers with an average salary of $88,000 received the lowest among all groups.

Average Age Of A Java Developer

The average age of a Java Developer gets calculated by considering factors like Gender and Ethnicity. This would be beneficial in understanding the trend in the industry. The average age of a male (White) Java Developer is 36 years, while the average age of females (White) is 35 years.

In the case of Asian men, the average age is 35 years, and for Asian women, it is 34 years. Black or African American men who are Java Developers have an average age of 35, compared to their Black or African American counterparts, whose average is around 33 years. Hispanic or Latino men are, on average, 34 years old, and Hispanic women are 37 years old.

In the breakdown of the average age of Java Developers, we notice that their average age is between 30-40 years. This age range represents 42% of the total number of Java Developers in the US. 22% of Java Developers in the workforce belong to the age group of 20-30, followed by those over 40.

Types of Java Developer Degree Levels

75% of Java Developers have a Bachelor's Degree, while 22% have a Master's Degree. The remaining percentage have an associate degree, diploma, or other degrees, each occupying a share of 1%.

A difference in terms of wages is also noticeable among Java Developers with different degrees. Java Developers holding a Master's Degree earn more than their counterparts, with an average annual salary of around $96,262. Next come Developers with a bachelor's degree. They draw an average yearly income of $92,691. Lastly, Java Developers with an Associate Degree earn an average of $85,390 annually.

Java Developer Employment Statistics

Under this section, we have provided some insights into the types of industries and businesses that employ Java developers. One can observe that while many developers work in the public sector, a significant majority belong to the tech industry.

Company Size

Most employees working as Java Developers work with big corporations, i.e., those with over 10,000 employees. Among employers of Java Developers, the percentage share occupied by big corporations stands at a whopping 62%. Then come enterprises having an employee strength of 1,000 to 10,000. Such businesses make up 20% of the market share of employers for Java Developers.

Only 8% of Java Developers work in smaller companies with 500-1000 employees. Organizations with an employee base of 100-500 rank third-last, with a 4% share. Lastly, 3% of Java Developers work in companies with 50-100 employees, and 2% at places with less than 50 employees.

Another noticeable point is that most workers with the Java Developer title prefer working in a public company rather than a privately owned company. This fact is further with a quick look at the statistics - 66% of Java Developers are employed in the public sector, followed by 32% who work in the private sector. Java Developers in the Education and Government sectors stand at 1% each.

Leading Sectors Employing Java Developers

To determine which industries employ the most Java developers, we looked at the total number of employees in each industry. The list includes segments like technology, professional services, and non-profit organizations.

The technology sector, employs 15% of Java Developers,followed by the 16% that work in finance. Besides these industries where most Java Developers work, the others include professional (7%), insurance (6%), retail (5%), manufacturing (4%), telecommunication (4%), healthcare (3%), transport (2%), pharma (1%) and more.

30% of all Java Developers are a part of Fortune 500 companies,

Java Developer Statistics Based on Employment and Turnover

Learning more about the employment statistics for Java Developers is vital in understanding the different trends across the industry.

There were some noticeable changes in the employment rate of Java Developers between 2008 and 2018. In 2010, the unemployment for Java Developers was at its highest, with the percentage of unemployed professionals coming round to 6.83%. The employment rates improved significantly in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2016, and 2018. At 3.35%, the unemployment rate was at its lowest in 2018.

The Average Number of Years That Java Developers Stay in a Job

After analyzing over 39,338 resumes, we found that an average of 60% of Java Developers stayed at their jobs for 1-2 years. 28% spent less than a year. 5% of Java Developers had a tenure of 3-4 years at a company. Furthermore, only 6% of Java Developers spent 5-7 years in the same workplace. Only 1% of Java Developers turned out to be long-term employees, spending 8 to 10 years at a single company.

Foreign Languages Spoken by Java Developers

After thorough analysis, we found that Spanish is the most commonly spoken foreign language, occupying the top spot at 24%. The percentage of Spanish-speaking Java Developers is followed by those who speak Chinese at 13.3%. With 9.3% of Java Developers Mandarin-speaking, the language occupies spot number 3, followed by French (8%) and Carrier (6.7%). Other languages have a proportion of 38.7%.

Most Java developers live in cities like Chicago, NY, New York, and IL. But as for the best state for Java Developers to live in, Washington occupies the top spot. With an annual average wage of $110,154, Seattle, WA, is the city known for paying Java Developers the highest in the US. To understand how high Seattle employers pay their developers, we found a piece of data that says 10% of the highest-paid Java Developers make $111,000 yearly or even more.

While we can analyze the statistics and data around Java Developers as much as we want, there is always some scope for improvement. This discrepancy occurs because different studies use different techniques to analyze data and conclude. The results may vary from one another because each considered its variables according to distant definitions. That is why the credibility of the sources is not the issue, but how they define multiple factors is.

What needs remembering is that there is no right or wrong way to make these calculations. For instance, the Data Evans Corporation research includes software professionals like coders, team leaders, managers, and CTOs. Furthermore, DQYDJ and Data USA base their analysis on the data published by the US Census Bureau; however, despite consulting the same source, both end up with varying results. The difference in results stems from changing definitions followed by each study.

Nevertheless, there is little doubt that the demand for Java Developers will rise at an incredible pace in the future. According to the BLS, the demand for app and software developers will grow to 12.5% by 2024 compared to 2014. Furthermore, these changes will be visible not only in the US but also across the globe. Talking specifically about America, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that between 2016 and 2016, there will be a 24% rise in software developer jobs. This growth in employment opportunities will help Java Developers, mobile application developers, and python developers.

Employees in all sectors and industries are feeling the pressure of ongoing political instability in numerous countries across the globe. With constantly rising concerns regarding record-high inflation rates and economic instability, all workers are trying their best to safeguard their jobs. As businesses constantly try to revive themselves again and again after multiple waves of Covid, they are trying to follow a conservative approach in terms of finances.

As raising money becomes more challenging, some enterprises have already started cost-cutting by laying off thousands of employees. This is why it has become much more necessary to choose the role in the right companies. Such conscious choices will prove beneficial in reducing the constant stress of lay-offs and providing a better sense of security.

The IT industry has seen tremendous growth in the past couple of decades. Furthermore, it is predicted to grow at an exceptional pace. From fat pay cheques to an excellent work-life balance, the IT sector can provide its employees with the best perks to retain them. In return, employees also work hard and produce desired results. With incredible growth prospects for software development and Java Developers, freshers and working professionals should focus on upgrading their skills to make the most of available opportunities in the market. As the concerns of recession revolve around our heads, getting into the IT industry could be one of the best career decisions.

While the future looks bright for tech professionals, learning Java can be a big challenge. After all, one needs to be good enough to fulfill all responsibilities that come with the position of a Java Developer. On one side, some students can excel at it by simply following the given coursework. However, more often than not, students need to put in extra effort to be at the level where they could appear for a job interview.

Nevertheless, millions of people are interested in getting into tech but not so much in attending college. After all, pumping thousands into earning a professional degree is not everyone's preferred approach.

There is no shortage of people who would prefer to make a career switch from non-tech to tech. However, they might not know how to get started or learn the skills and get the certification to make them a potential candidate for the job.

In most cases, the colleges will ask the candidate to pay the fee upfront before they start learning Java Language. However, this is not the case with Cogent University. We do not have any upfront costs. Moreover, you do not have to make any payments until you get the job.

Not only this, but Cogent University also offers a job guarantee. Instead of just helping candidates get a job, we also prepare and groom them for their dream job. Moreover, every student will get personalized career assistance. From building the perfect resume to helping candidates prepare for the interviews, we have the back of our students every step of the way.

At Cogent University, we make sure that no issues are unattended. That is why we have a team of 250+ who constantly work to answer queries 24/7. With 11+ years of experience and more than 700 graduates, Cogent University has a graduation rate of over 97%. In addition, most students bag their desired job at the desired salary. Our Bootcamp features industry experts with two decades of work experience and lasts eight weeks.

Visit our website today, fill out the form, and our experts will help you make a wise decision for your career.

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